Kisses for Aubrey

Aiden has really shown a lot of excitement about Aubrey's impending arrival. According to his teachers at school, he talks about her all the time and brags to the other kids about how he'll soon be a big brother. Lately, he's also taken to "cuddling with Aubrey" and loves to lay with his head on my belly. He'll sing "Twinkle Twinkle" to her and pat her, and even give her a kiss. She'll usually kick him in the head while he's laying there, and he loves to pretend to fall off the couch with great exaggeration (I think the kid has a future in theater). The two of them haven't even met, but they are already bonding! I just hope that one day, these two will be very close. I'm sure there will be plenty of fighting and arguing and annoying each other, but I hope they also learn to love and rely on one another as only a brother and sister can.


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