One cool kid

Whether hanging out with grown-ups or other families with kids, Aiden always manages to have a good time. Kaye/Bassman (my company) participates each year in the City of Richardson's Corporate Challenge, a month-long Olympic-style event in which companies compete against one another in sporting events, all to raise funds in support of the Special Olympics. The competition kicks off with a big family event, with music and tailgating and prizes, all the various companies coming out to trash-talk one another and compete in silly games. This year, Aiden was the only kiddo from Kaye/Bassman to make the event (my company employs a lot of young marrieds and singles), but even though he was the only kid in our tent, he managed to make himself quite at home. He played with children from other companies in the Galatyn Plaza's fountains, and by evening's end, he had all of the KBIC young ladies eating out of his hand and waiting on him hand and foot, and was entertaining the guys with his antics, silly jokes, and muscle flexing.


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