Month of Thanks: Day 5

Today, I'm thankful for alcoholic beverages and early kid bedtimes. Don't judge me: it was a really tough day in the Parker household.

Not sure if Aubrey wasn't feeling well or what, but after her nap, she woke up crying...and continued to cry and whine. For HOURS. In fact, she cried or whined almost continuously, until bedtime. Which is so unlike her--she's really grown into this happy-go-lucky child with such a sunny disposition. I blame it on the time change. 'Cause that's what moms do this time of year--we blame everything on daylight savings time (it is such a massive pain in the arse when you have littles).

So once her hiney was in bed (early, I might add), I pulled out the new bottle of Iced Cake vodka I'd recieved as a brithday gift from a friend this past weekend

and mixed up a strawberry shortcake martini. It was fabulous, and just what I needed to lower my shoudlers from up around my ears down to their proper location.

Some days, it's the little things that get you through the struggle.


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